Ethereum uses JsonRPC as the main interface to interact with the client and the network.


package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := jsonrpc.NewClient("https://mainnet.infura.io")
if err != nil {

Ethgo supports different transport protocols besides http depending on the endpoint:

Use the endpoint with wss:// prefix to connect with websockets:

client, err := jsonrpc.NewClient("wss://mainnet.infura.io")

or the endpoint with ipc:// prefix to use ipc:

client, err := jsonrpc.NewClient("ipc://path/geth.ipc")


Once the JsonRPC client has been created, the endpoints are available on different namespaces following the spec:

eth := client.Eth()

The available namespaces are:

  • Eth: Ethereum network endpoints.
  • Net: Client information.

Block tag

Some endpoints of the eth namespace can be queried at a specific block. There exists three ways to specify this block:

  • number or tag (BlockNumber): integer block number or the tag latest, pending or earliest.

  • hash (Hash): hash of the block.